Tuesday, November 12, 2013

FredFlare - November

Hey guys! I highly doubt it's not a very common thing to do wishlists and things of that sort. So I guess I'll start doing them so when I want something...I know where to look.

Above we have a lipstick pen! As someone who loves these sorts of things, the cleverness of hiding things such as pens or combs or pepperspray as usual eveyday objects amaze me! 

Now these, these are just the cutest things! I love the designs and how absolutely adorable they are. Don't you agree? Such cute pairs of earrings (uwu) ahh! 

Now here's something clever! I really love gummy bears and this sums up reasons as to why. What's not lovable about a squishy bear of cuteness? Especially one that lights up after squishing!

These shades are really sweet lookin'.

These markers are just the cutest thing! I really adore scented things (although I had a funny past with scented markers), the design for the markers sure as hell make up for it!

Here I present to you an eraser (the cloud) and it's rainbow that will surely leave you with some points! Hehe...pencil jokes. But nonetheless, it's a very clever design if I do say so myself. How cool!

And here I save the best for last. I have a sweet little addiction to pouches and this mushroom design is just precious! I really adore it and it's very cute to top it off. 

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