Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Henry Chen


He was made because of :iconxtoketo:. She's a lazy piece of work O: but i still buy her food... and make her Youtube backgrounds.. D: 

Name: Henry 
Age: 17
Birthday: January 4th
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Taiwanese
Blood type: O
Personality: Quirky
Sexuality: Straight


Just an easygoing young guy who's not afraid to dress childish or crazy. He's the definition of epic when it comes to being himself and he's always there for others. HE IS NOT GAY. He wears the unwearable. If someone creates a shirt that has a duck as the hood, he'll be the one wearing it around for the next few months.

Henry is an awkward child who has been made fun of all his life. He has been more flexible yet somewhat stronger than everyone he has ever met regardless of his looks. Henry is also one of the smartest people you will ever meet and will have more energy than you will ever have. 

Henry was abandoned by birth and left by an adoption agency. He has been healthy and never sick once in his life and is always lucky. He's the most positive person you will ever meet. Also the healthiest and the strongest and everything else. 

Many parents and people at the agency believed that somehow Henry was abducted by aliens or given some type of super potion. Either way, Henry is perfect. He is your gary sue. 

Love him? because he's building a harem too. 

I'm trolling you. :icontrollfaceplz:

Henry is a normal guy who is seemingly perfect. He was abandoned at the doorstep of an adoption agency and was adopted by a young man who was getting married. The man gave Henry a goldfish. Before Henry turned 15 his goldfish died. After that, everything changed... Henry was also a fat child. He lost all the fatness after he ran away to put the goldfish himself into the ocean. Which isn't really possible but who really cares :)still trolling. 

:D well.. Henry isn't gay... he's awesome.. no he's really not a Gary Sue. I'm trolling you all. Henry has no specific problems or defects. No special background. He is just.. Henry. :U whose gold fish died when he was 15.

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