Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The days are passing faster..

The days are passing by of the 2012-2013 school year... Hopefully we'll manage to keep in contact! All my great friends. 

The memories of seniors and lovely people alike.. I'll keep it close to my heart. 

Above is Joy and below is Elise.

This was taken in early January. We played at the opening of the new mac building.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Regardless of how much I get bored of bible study and the like, I really enjoy memorial and spending time with the brothers and sisters of the Jehovah's witness Artesia congregation. They're (mostly) very caring and swell people alike. After memorial (the celebration of Jesus's death) we usually celebrate with some form of food afterward as a blessing for all of us.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bye Bye Birdie poster

There's nothing better than rearranging my wall and adding the new bye bye birdie poster with everyone's signatures on them!

Soran Bushi pin

When Renz still went to whitney (the beloved Renz Lo from class of 2012), he was in the International Day act for soran bushi! We had a blast. He and I were the leads of the Soran Bushi folk dance for Kokoro Kara. This is my little present for him! I miss ya Renz, you were so fantastic to be around. 

The pin says Soran bushi in Japanese. Please excuse my terrifyingly bad kanji (that you can't see for the most part either). Also... the pin is supposed to be a fish! Made out of some premo polymer clay. (Along with the date of last year's international day too I believe!) 

Forever and always you'll be a great memory Renz

Saturday, April 27, 2013

UCI Jodaiko

Forever ago, the Kokoro Kara cabinet went to UCI to watch their taiko practice. It was enjoyable to watch, along with the fact that their training was very intense. 

I don't have very much to say other than the fact that they're fantastic and are hard workers. It was a fantastic night!


Forever ago, there was an assignment in Algebra 1 to take a picture and resize it.

I drew this (incorrectly, but I managed to fix it to some extent) back in 8th grade. Edited and colored this year for the Kokoro Kara wall for the month of February. 

I'd look for the original, but it'll take me forever. I'll link it when I get to it eventually. (I literally spent 3 hours and failed...what's wrong with me??)

What's better than goofing around and putting lovey dovey lovedisc everywhere?

Nothing. Absolutely. Nothing.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day two: friday and bye bye birdie

(and thank you for listening to my little request ;)! )

Today has been a fantastic day. Although I've been practically dying because of all the stress and lack of sleep, it's been so rad to spend time with some cool friends. Afterschool, Bianca and i spent time with Leonard.that guy, by the way, he's fantastic and I'm looking forward to day three with that kid because of our surprise for Bianca. Also, reminding me I have to make special little gifts for the bye bye birdie cast and crew... Ehehe...

(Hopefully I'll get to it.)
And then after we were with Leonard, we went to fancy box with reis! Thanks to Omar being awesome and just always being there for me, I hand some money to make it my treat. So cue because it's a huge 'why not?'! 

Oh, and I thought it was super cute so I got three. Matching keychains for reis and Bianca and I! Loveee!
Also, I'm looking forward to the best. Everyone is so interesting and I can't wait. Also, I'm looking forward to the robotics kids returning. I can't wait for all the good times to come about! Although I still have so much to finish too..

Free days....

I haven't been the best all morning and so all I've really been doing is watching Cold Case while eating toron and then my goofball brother walks in and gives me something...

A drink that I have never tried...but tries to tell me it's boba when it does not taste like boba.


Extra Tidbits

SO we had some extra time laying around and so Bianca, Reis and I went out to do what we usually do....goof around in public.

We had gone to fancybox and I bought a new journal that I use for band and contacts and all and below is the pictures we took!

Performance at the Senior Center

Above is the LOVELY Halah getting dressed with a yukata (the lighter, summer version of the kimono as of recent times). We're all getting prepared for our performance at the Artesia Senior Center. It was a very fun activity. A little stressful to prepare for, but it was all worth it in the end!

Lily and Lydia are the cutest though, gosh look at those flawless faces!

Then, there's the taiko boys. Nathan wanted to wear his hair up like this...but he wasn't allowed to haha!

More pictures and goofy captions after the read more


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Setting up for JNHS initiation!

There's nothing better than giving some students hours for the Japanese National Honor Society than having them set up for their own orientation! 

We were given a variety of balloons (mostly of red and white colors) to go along with the JNHS coords and seniors who were receiving them also got a sweet pair of white roses.

For everyone we had served cake! 

It was a real big treat in my honest opinion. And anyway, there's nothing like coming home with a certificate officially stating that I'm a part of the Japanese National Honor Society!!

Am I right? 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cross stitching

Waaay back in 2011 or 2012, Bianca taught me how to cross stitch. What did it lead to? I started cross stitching my own book cover for Japanese. For a first time, It's pretty rad! (In my opinion because I didn't use a pattern for it ahaha) It took me quite a while! And after a while of waiting, when we had gotten our Japanese names approved, I stitched that onto it as well. 
I love cross stitching! I'm just too lazy to continue on doing so... Anne and Emily give me packets of these cross stitches that I'm too lazy to finish. I'll save it for a rainy day when I'm very sick and injured...
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