Monday, July 18, 2016

[Tutorial] Two Toned Leggings

Heeey everyone! I know that I've been falling ridiculously behind as my social media shows so much more fun than my own blog, but I just want to say that I truly appreciate all of the love and support to those Who have been coming back to check in.

But I'm moving on, I will be showing you today how I had gone about making two toned leggings. So you can do a similar thing using tights, pants, shorts, or whatever you really please to this idea. I personally just wanted to use leggings as I had purchased some a while back for this purpose. The concept is to take one half of two different colors and so them together with one of the color waistbands. So let's get started!


So for this project, you will need three pairs of leggings in different colors, some fabric shears, clips for your thread, pins, and a sewing machine.


So first things first, you were going to take your scissors and you're going to cut along the seam that connects the waistband to the pants. Repeat this process for all three leggings.


It should look like the above photo when you're done. Don't lose these because as I mentioned before, we will be using these in the final product.


So what you were going to do next is you're going to take your scissors and you were going to cut along the seam of the inner pants line. Make sure the original seem is cut too one sided as it will make sewing easier and have better craftsmanship in the final product.  When you're done it should look like the above photo.


So what you need to do next is you need to decide which color would you like to match up with the other color pants leg.


So now, you need to turn your pants inside out. 


This is because you want to have both right sides together of the pants legs so that is it easier to so under the sewing machine. Now pin along the seam and it should look like the image below.


Now you're going to take it to the sewing machine, and sew along the edge providing a 3/8 of an inch seam allowance.


During this process, you can use a straight stitch but it would be recommended to use a zigzag stitch for those who do not have access to a serger but would like similarly well-crafted leggings. With the fabric that I am using, it also helps to stretch the fabric while I sew.


And now you should have a similar look to the picture above.


Now this is where the waistbands comes in. You're going to take the waistband and turn it right side out and match that up with the right side of the pants leg with the pants and the waistband edges pointing at you.


You are now going to pin the waist bands like so and they should look like the above photo.


Now you're going to take it to the sewing machine again, you're going to use a zigzag stitch along the edge. If your fabric is like mine and has stretch to it, or has an elastic waist band, you're going to want to stretch that all the way through so that the waistband and the fabric me up the same. This prevents any gathering in awkward places because it matches up and aligns the fabric to the waistband perfectly.


When you're done, it should look somewhat like this photo above. If you have a serger like me you are going to want to finish the seams. But this is OK for now.


Now you're simply going to turn the pants inside out and wear them like so! These are perfect for anyone interested in the Japanese fashion styles or like a little funky yet casually cute wear.

Here are the final photos of all of my leggings! I pick them up as best as I could with something over top of it and with them by themselves.


A helpful tip for those who are interested in doing this, make sure you use materials that have similar qualities. This is mostly because if one legging pants leg has more stretch or fabric to it, it will look a little awkward along something that doesn't. Sorry commend that you either have materials that have similar qualities or buy it from the same manufacture with hopes that they will.


And that concludes this tutorial! I hope it was helpful to some, I know that it might be a little repetitive due to the fact that this kind of tutorial has already been done. But I know that not everyone is exposed to all types of tutorials or may not have access to certain links anymore as they wear out. 

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

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