Sunday, August 28, 2016

Velouria Wig Styling & Updates


Wig styling again today! Well, technically this was what I was getting done yesterday. If any of you follow my Facebook page, you would have noticed a lot of updates about wig styling and wig care along with updates about this and that. Soooo... Here's an update on that! 

I got this wig that you see here in the mail from eBay. The wig isn't that great because the wefts can be seen as light as day, but I made my decisions and I honestly could care less as I do plan to wear my hoodie for Velouria quite a bit. 

I straightened the curls out in the wig to get the hair straight and nice! Hopefully it works out in the end, but I might plan on adjusting the length at some point. I did cut the fringe though because when it and arrived, I recall there being long bangs for me to adjust and cut. 


Aaaaand here's the photo update! I made it so that the sewn in black wefts also blends in a little better. I had taken the leftover hair from the fringe and I had decided to use it and make wefts to sew into the wig to make it more fuller in the bang area. I love how it turned out! 


Unfortunately the wig is hard styled, which I honestly hate beyond my control but it's what looks the best and is the most accurate so I will hopefully be able to make it through.


Gotta fix the fringe a bit more when it's being propped on my head, but we will see!! When I get all my supplies in, I'll be posting about the incredibly cute Velouria herself in a cosplay test.

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