Friday, September 9, 2016

Chitoge Cosplay Progress!


Heeeeeey everyone! I'm so sorry for my absence again. I oftentimes forget how lazy and mildly depressed after large social events / gatherings like conventions make me. Well, I'm back today to show off all the work I did for my Chitoge cosplay. So I had started off with one of the wigs I had already owned. The wig is a long, curly blonde wig from Epic Cosplay Wigs.


I had first heat sealed the wig so that it'd be easier for me to brush through the wig. The back pony tail looks like a mess in the photos, but it was very pretty when I wore it! I'd take a photo now. But the con life really hates me and my luck.


The poor wig...


But for the bangs, I made sure to cut them and trim them down to look more natural. I separated the bangs into three parts to look more accurate to her original design. To keep the hair in place I used Suave smoothing gel and a light hair spray. 


Aaaaand here's how it looks done! It's at the nicest from the front. 

Aaaaand here's how it looks on me with no makeup....


And then me with makeup! It makes a huge difference at the end of the day. 


For the costume, I had a leftover fabric piece of yellow from my Hajime cosplay from Gatchaman Crowds. I had sewn the tie to the sailor collar that I had made out of the same fabric that the skirt was made up of. The shirt is a thrifted white shirt that I had added the collar to to properly imitate the look without having to put too much on myself. As for the skirt, I had pleated about a yard and a half of the fabric and then had sewed the entire skirt to keep the pleats in place, and then attached it to the waistband. 


Aaaaand here's the final look (or well, same shot from the same day). I love how the costume turned out. I just need to redo the red bow, because I had improperly sewn it, but I had a blast! I truly Love this costume to death hehe. It costed me about a total of....$4 ? As I had all of the pieces prior to starting it. I'm hoping that I can make as many things as possible with what I have in my stock too. I'll share the other cosplays that I have that I had managed to create while staying under my $50 budget overall! 

Also, shoutout to the great Ian / Chibi Chrono for the super cute shot! 

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