Friday, September 23, 2016

Construction / Progression: Hihi Puffy AmiYumi (Ami Costume)

Hey everyone! It's that time of the day for me to get my crap together and post up another blog post. I love the turnout of my Ami costume that I threw together for Halloween and Long beach comic con! This time around I'll be talking about my progress making it hehe. I have tons of other stuff to catch up writing about, but I'll talk about this one first. The photo above was taken by the incredible JC / cosplayphotog(IG). His website can be found here:

So! If any of you remember the show Teen Titans, the characters we are dressed up as are the cartoon renditions of the singers. They got their own show in about 2004/5 (I think, too lazy to look it up my apologies) and have been fairly popular ever since. Their show is known as Hihipuffyamiyumi show, and was pretty nice and fun overall. I loved it. 



So! Above you see are a bunch of  supplies that my friend Leonard had delivered to me because he's a saint and is absolutely the most helpful person ever when it comes to cosplay and costuming and working on anything. Moving on~

So the dress originally started off as a already made white dress that I had cut and sewn to create the look I wanted. I don't have a before look of the dress, but it had some nice cute short sleeves that I decided to cut off. Then I had started the acrylic paint dyeing process....sort of. I decided to dilute acrylic paint using water and painted the dress in the spots I had wanted. I forgot to mention that the reason behind my painting was solely because I ran out of fabric and was too big of a cheapskate to go purchase some. Rather than make my world so much easier, I decided to be an ass. This is me everyone. This is me.


Aaaaand you can watch my mixing horror above. 


HERE IS HOW IT TURNED OUT SORT OF. All of the yellow paint was such horror filled. Absolutely horrifying. The orange color mixed with everything else. I couldn't fix the yellow paint. I was in absolute disgust and terror. At some point...I held up a heat gun to combat this disastrous monster that was simply a dress in the process. A horrifying, disastrous 60's inspired dresss monstrosity. Them button up closure is cute as hell though. 


As for this microphone above!!! Oh boy, this was a trip. Originally I had it as a simple silver colored glitter piece with the black base. It was given to me by my elder sister as a fun little trinket from her work one time on a music video. J (my Yumi) was kind enough to take on the task of taking care of the microphone to look like above! Oh... Oh boy. Let me tell you a little thing about this glitter bomb........


It was a literal glitter bomb. It landed EVERYWHERE. ALL OVER J IT WENT. TERROR FILLED MY EYES. IT WILL NEVER COME OUT. I would know, I did a fashion show/shoot in which I had glitter on my face and in my hair.....guess what never came out. 


There was no proper way to go around all of this us. I'm sorry J, but you're a trooper that anyone can count on. A+ reliance and trust right there. MOVING ON~




And the horror of working on paint dyes or when you paint with dyes and it's a 3D form is this. This is horror. Absolutely terrifying. Thank god it was the back of the dress.


BUT! After all those hours of work and horror filled tears, I had finally finished the dress. As you can see above! For the collar, I had attached with safety pins a previously made collar. I didn't have enough of the white fabric I desired for the collar, and I had also lacked time to properly make it as well.


Let's talk shoes! So the shoes that you see are actually shoe covers that I had purchased via Amazon. The came as seen in the package, but in order to get the right look that I desired and to fit me and my shoes perfectly I needed to sew the covers to fit me and my leg size to prevent slippage. 


After a while, and the beauty of elastic and fitting it worked out! It isn't as bad as it could have been, is all I'm saying heheh. My incredible Yumi is also pretty well put together! You could barely tell that the wig they used was originally longer and different but we will save that for a different time to talk about haha. 


For the flower, I had taken a previously used fake flower and I had painted the center the color I desired and then applied E-6000 to the center on the front and back. The front was meant to add in a yellow Pom Pom while the back was intended to adhere the alligator clip. Turned out it okay in my opinion...but then again this was all very late of me! Whoops. 


AYE! My most favorite part, but also the part that scared the heck out of me throughout the entire time. The hair. The wig was purchased off of eBay as always, but it was a pretty decent wig! The fibers were perfect and I didn't have any problem at all which was incredible and I loved it so much. The original look can be found in the next photo. 


Here's the original wig! What I ended up doing was that I trimmed the base of the wig to get enough wig hair that was needed for the buns. This also included having to trim the bangs as well, which wasn't too difficult to say in the very least. For the buns, I had taken some styrofoam balls that I had purchased at dollar tree and covered them in the wig hair. To adhere it at first, I used paper cement and it worked pretty well. And then when it came to layering the hair, I used a spray adhesive. After a while, I just kept layering and after a while it turned out the way you see below! For the attachments, I had glued in wig clips and alligator clips to catch the wig properly. It was such a perfect thing to do. It came out sleek and wonderful for a first try at odango buns hehe. 


Aaaaaaaand as for the belt and the accessories, the watch was purchased at the 99 cents store while the bracelet is one of those cheap graduation necklaces that I had cut and painted using a bronze paint for the accurate look I desired. The belt is made out of a plastic cover from my apoxie air dry clay mix that I had used a very, very old wood burning tool that I primarily use for plastic work nowadays. Afterwards, I had sewn a stretchy sock that fitted my waist perfectly. 


Aaaaaand that concludes it! That's the story and the progression of my end of the costume construction for Puffy Amiyumi's Ami. I hope you enjoyed my rendition of her and how I went about the process of creating it as well. The photo above is credited to David Ngo:

Thanks for reading everyone! I hope to post more about little things as time goes on. I'm very behind for fashion posts, and my sub-blog for that scene is pretty much dead. It's been a year, but not much has changed surprisingly. Gomene,,,,,,, (;゜0゜)

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