Saturday, September 24, 2016

Mystic Messenger: Jumin Han (Male Makeup Test #2)


Hey everyone! This is amazing, I've actually been able to get posts made for three or so days in a row. Let's hope it continues to stay that way! Moving on, I'll be talking about my costume test and makeup process to achieve it. I will be talking about what I wore exactly for the cosplay test, how I went about styling the wig, and my makeup proceed even though I lack the photos for it. I sort of have been doing what I can to perfect this look for a future costume, but also because it's helpful for me since it's needed for my classes as well. Ah, the beauty of being a creative major! This is going to be my second time ever attempting a more masculine, male type look. Please bear with me! I am still working my way through, I just enjoy documenting my progress haha. Anyways....


So in the event that people aren't familiar with the characters from the latest dating simulator, Mystic Messenger, this is the character that I had attempted to recreate. Jumin Han, a rich trust fund baby who lacks an understanding of humanity and basic feelings and emotions and is left to fend for himself while having serious trust issues. He is also a huge lover of cats due to some things that had been put in his responsibility by friends, but is also such a sweetheart who should be cared for and respected. By the way, Mystic Messenger is a real time otome game that is played via phone or tablet. If you're wondering about whether or not you should do this to yourself, it's honestly worthwhile as the characters have wonderful stories and developments and each route tells you a little more about the overall world and story that they have all lived. 10/10 would continue playing for more weeks on end.


Soooo, moving on. I had taken a simple black wig that I had in my possession and went about styling the bangs in the way that seemed the most obvious to the reference photo I had. Using a very light hair spray, some Bobby pins, and a low temperature curling iron I had managed to get the look above (which is still an in Progress photo). If anyone is wondering which costume I used the black wig for, it's...


From my Kiki cosplay! I love this wig. It's absolutely precious and super cute. I'm probably either going to buy another wig like this for $16, or to clean the black wig I have and then order a different black wig and style it personally. It really depends on whether or not I want to recreate this look again, and whether or not I want to spend extra time styling a wig or to just let it be, style it some more, and have another Come in the mail. So troublesome! Anyways...


Let's talk about the hair some more. I had done a lot of pinning in the back of the hair, along with trying to tie up any loose parts using a hair tie. In the end I had a little pony tail in the back which was cute, but also kind of silly. 


As for the clothing, surprise surprise! The tie you see is actually my thigh high socks that I wrapped around my collar and tied because I can do pretty nice ties HAHA. How about that.... As for the clothing, I stole them from my younger brother. I need to get my hands on my own but that'll have to be saved for another time. Another thrift store adventure though that would happen soon.....SOON. 


Let's talk makeup. For the entire look, I used only theatrical makeup from Ben nye. Why? Because that's just what we use in my theatrical makeup class HAHA. 

My base foundation was a mixture of the creme foundation colors Shinei Ivory (SHK-0), and Honey (TW-24). The highlighter color I had used is White (P-1), and I had used the color Cinnamon (CL-11) for shadow. I'll be talking about all thee products that I've used more as time goes on, but here's an overall photo of all the items I had used. 


Prior to my application of the foundation though, I had taken some Nose and Scar wax by Ben nye to get rid of the depressions in my nose structure and on my chin. Having more feminine features, it's important for me to get rid of the genetic signs of this. 


I had filled in parts, or I have added in some of the wax to bring more attention to it in small ways. Following this, I had also taped my face. As weird as this sounds, I taped my face because my features genetically make me look very plump while typical masculine features are more rigid and angular. 


The blocked parts of the face are where I had stuck the major pieces of tape and then the arrows depict the direction in which I intended it to go in. The downside to this type of technique is that although I'm not necessarily trying to achieve a more stereotypical "Asian" eye shape, it will do that because of how the skin gets pulled back. I did my best to change where the skin was being pulled to help lessen the change in eye shape, but sometimes that itself can be problematic to keep in place. 


Next on the to do list was to get rid of my eyebrows. Weird right?! But that's the beauty of it I guess. I had covered my eyebrows using a scotch white glue stick. Covering your eyebrows helps make it easier for you to color them, or to create new ones .....or at least that's what I'd like to think LOL.


Now let's talk about what I did after foundation!!! Cover your face in the foundation. Just do it. Cover everything. When I got to the wax and the glue portions, I dabbed the foundation on it using a latex sponge. It was just easier as it didn't move it (I know there's a proper way to go about the wax, but I'm lazy and it was like 88 degrees in my house). The entire face should have a similar least that's what my goal was. 

After this, Most of this monstrosity was SHADOW. Marked in Orange is everywhere that I had shadowed. I use a brush to paint in the basic blocking of the spots I need color in, and then I continue using the flat end of the brush to blend as if I was painting with oil paint. When the majority of the shadows are even enough, I use the latex sponge and I continue to blend. 


Aaaaaaand oddly enough this was the amount of highlight that I had used! Similar to the shadow, I had used a flat brush to block and brushed and blended. Because that's what lifeis about. Blend the world of yours together to create something beautiful. (I'm joking). Yeah, but you get the gist. I kind of continued to go at it for a good while, and then at some point I was satisfied enough to move onto eyebrows, eyeliner, and the mouth.

For the eyes, I had actually used a cheap Daiso brand eyeliner in dark brown (looks black in photos for some reason). I aimed to just create an eye shape similar to Jumin's as the YouTube channel Kawaii Popteen shows in makeup tutorials, I tried to not go overboard, but because of my eyelids it's a little difficult. One eye is a double whereas the other can vary between a normal double or a triple. It can be a little much. 

For the eyebrows, I had actually taken some of the black lip color because I was too lazy to find my black eyeliner pencil and I had painted in the eyebrows using a basic stroke painting stroke method that you would use when painting eyebrows for 2d art pieces. I painted the eyebrows overtop of the shadowed area that I purposefully tried to add more shadow to make it seem as if there's a change in the bone structure and the eyebrows are higher on the planes of my face. I really don't know how to explain what I did. I should work on recording this stuff or documenting it better. SORRY EVERYONE,,,


For the lips, I had used the Ben nye lip colors in Natural (LCS-5) and in black (LCS-1) to shape my lips, along with using the shadow and highlights used in the rest of the face to add depth. I had covered my lips using foundation at the very beginning. Using the black lip color, I had painted a line through my bottom lip and then blended upwards to create a new shape of the lip (poorly but still). Using the shadow and highlight, I had tried my best to add in some depth to the lips as well. For the top, I had colored in the lip shape I created using the natural lip color. Afterwards, I had taken the black color and marked a line through my lips and to the ends of my mouth opening to draw almost like a line going up diagonally from the ends as if trying to mimic the look of a smile or smirk. Then I just kept blending. For these types of things when they're up close blending and treating the makeup as if they were oil just seems to be my best friend. 


And honestly that's the end of it! I hope this was interesting in some way, shape, or form HAHA. Now... Tell me MC...

Will you be my pet?

 I'll get rid of all risks of you running out of my sight.

Jumin Han : Bad Ending

((Thanks for reading!!!))

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