Sunday, November 24, 2013

San Diego with the fambam

Eyyy I'm pretty sure I mentioned this post a long, long time ago, but I don't remember whether or not I had made it. Earlier in the year, my family and I went out to San Diego for their cool museums and galleries (including a fancy little Japanese garden).

 Although because it's a free country and people are allowed to say their beliefs, above you see a tent for Atheists which was directly across the yodeling Christians and to the sides of the Mormons biking around in circles. Too bad I forgot about that part, but here have a picture of their close up (although I really took it for the sweet and adorable corgi oh my god).

I really enjoyed the museums and the art gallery though! It's really disheartening that in the end, my long awaited visit to the history exhibition (it was all about the tools used in jails and executions for torture and all that jazz) was cancelled because we had to go to the Science center instead.

But the architecture and the scenery was beautiful nonetheless! Oh my goodness!!

But let's also forget the fact that I was hacking up my lungs because of my bacterial infection that I didn't know about until halfway into next week.

Inserts pictures that I apparently forgot to rotate....

But the family was really interested in taking lots of pictures instead of actually looking at the art inside the museum....not surprising at all to be honest..

And then came the car gallery (which sounds weird but who cares not me). They had the car used in back to the future along with really old editions of cars..

My brother joked and said he wanted the one below, but that's when we got into the space center..eheheh..

And then we took a trolley back to the usual spot where we saw this sweet wedding going on ( although the dresses of the bridesmaids were an interesting color..hmm...) and we got dropped off at the Japanese Friendship Garden.

But everyone got tired before we went inside...

(Hint hint the wedding was here)

And then I went inside this shop that sold mochi and drinks and all sorts of fun stuff but I had to decide whether I'd buy the strawberry, the matcha green tea or the  mame daifuku and I wanted to pull my hair out.

But I made my decision and kind of took pictures of the goofyness that my family got after we exited the space center.


And then I wandered in the prettiness of the Japanese garden 

Until we headed out for home and I started to miss our dog so I took a picture of this cutie below!

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