Sunday, July 19, 2015

Busy Days; Cute Faces

Hey guys! So I'm back for today with two new posts. One being a throwback to the freakishly frustrating Prom day and the other will be an art post of some sort (yes.. I'm still decided on that..)!

Although on the day of prom, it was oh so much more than just a prom prep day! And not for me...definitely not for me.. but that's besides the point. On the day of prom, Reis and I had walked all the way over to Cafe Maji by our school. (If you didn't know.. yeah.. it was me that found it and made it popular amongst our classmates.. I'm sorry..)

We enjoyed a little brunch there..

I got what I usually get...

While Reis actually got.. a smart human being...

Off topic but he always comments on how many pictures I take but I love taking pictures... it's a great way to remember my experiences.. and I'm that kind of person with him. Is that so wrong? (I know it's not but still I think about it,,)

Now I didn't manage to get any photos of us helping set up the district art show.. but I do remember that my art teacher made a post about it and you can see it here:

But basically we had gone to help set up the district art show. Setting up a lot of different and amazing art pieces on tables and on the walls. It was such an amazing experience honestly! (oops I did steal a quick pick of the one that we organized below!)

It was such an interesting experience working with reis that way.. I felt bad because I was ordering him around to move the art pieces and to do so as carefully as possible.. but it was also because he had the height that I unfortunately lacked. Regardless of everything, it was sure a fun experience for the two of us!

Afterwards, we got driven over to Emily's house super fast by the wonderful Bianca! I had taken care of all of Emily's beautiful eye makeup. From her amazing gradient eye shadow to her eyelashes! If you're interested in learning about how I went about it.. here's the link to the blog post here:

The magical moment where the true princess in her final form transformation can be seen above! What a lovely capture~

And she's BEAUTIFUL! What a lovely person Emily is. Inside and out. But today's a special day and so she has to be especially princess-like. Now, she's off to take her prom photos with Heather that you can see below.

Yes.. I'm one of those people.. getting each and every one of the photos...

Afterwards.. once we saw them off and doing their own little thing (I'm sure there are pictures of me on facebook somewhere doing more than what you see above)....after I put on Simon's boutonniere because both Emily and Simon were terrified of hurting one Simon...

We went to watch Pitch Perfect 2 in the movie theaters! 

It was such a fun experience finally watching a movie with Reis. I've been holding off on it because I would do it all the time in my previous relationships but we finally did it and we had the time of our lives. We both had watched Pitch Perfect the day before and he knew how excited I was for the second movie... solely listening to the Pitch Perfect soundtrack on replay for a good two and a half weeks to be as pumped up as I was... so it was nice. 

At the end.. we figured out that it wasn't as great as we had originally expected it to be. It was pretty.. lame. Unlike the first movie, there had actually been a plot line this time around but nonetheless.. it wasn't the best it could have been. I did have fun though! Oh so much fun.

Afterwards.. we both agreed that we were hungry.. so we had gone out to get something to eat. But.. because Reis made the decision that he was going to buy soda and the like earlier... we didn't have that much to spend at the end of the date.

So thankfully like I had originally planned all along! We went out to get a BEAUTIFUL. PIZZA. CHEESE. GARLIC. PRETZEL. It tasted as if heaven was a place on Earth. 

And to be completely honest.. although the day had been insane and crazily busy and frustrating.. it was everything we knew we had wanted it to be. A little bit of fun. A little bit of crazy. A whole lot of busy and eventful. And especially... a whole lot of love and kisses. 

Thanks for reading! I'll be back again today with another post lovelies! 

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