Monday, December 14, 2015

New Craft Books

Hey guys! So I could have sworn that I had posted this a while ago, but I guess not? Well, here I go again! These are just my latest books that I've received and I'm incredibly in love with each and every one of them. I had gotten them when I had attended nisei week a little whiles ago in June/July-ish. I had gotten two books on sculpting miniatures and faux food using air dry clays (resin and porcelain) while the other one is the otome no sewing book (7th edition). I'm rather fond of both, and I have to give a HUGE thank  you to the lovely for letting me get them. In total, the books costed maybe $60 because they are all gorgeous and were imported. Originally, we were going to use the money to try and get the lovely a yukata, but that obviously didn't end up happening.

Moving on! Here are some of my favorite pages from the books. 

Each one of the books has different close up shots of all of the items made while also providing a detailed explanation of what each bundle is made up of.

Incredible and gorgeous.

My favorite parts of the books are the pieces in them! They're gorgeous and are absolutely amazing to look at.

Weirdly enough, I didn't get my hands on any shots in my sewing book, but the gist of it is that it has a lot of patterns in it and a lot of designs that are based off of the lolita and otome fashion styles. When I definitely have more time and I've caught up on everything in my life, I'm going to consider trying some of them! I'll do my best to try and share some photos of the book with you guys soon.

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