Thursday, April 30, 2015

Modern Neutrals -- Construction

Hey guys! So Remember how I had brought up the fact that I was accepted into the Recycled Arts and Fashion Show? Well here's the outfit that I had entered. 

I had constructed the majority of it using a packaging that we had gotten from when we had unpacked a couple of new music stands. The cardboard is a nice cardboard and paper-y material that's really flexible but very efficient to keep things nice and safe. 

I had gathered the parts together using a stapler to serve as the stitching. 


I had first wrapped myself up in a combination of saran wrap/plastic wrap and then began to create the form by wrapping masking tape around the wrap. 

Afterwards, I had used saran wrap/plastic wrap and then used masking tape around my torso so that it'd keep form and then mod podge'd newspapers overtop of it to give it a nice look. 

At one point, I had accidentally dripped some nail polish on my skirt... so I had used that same nail polish to create an interesting design on the skirt. Around it are also some nice paper and tissue paper roses that I grew really fond of. 

Here's the plastic bag that I used! The parts of it is being held together and given that nice expanding quality for me to get into it using elastic that I had gotten from walmart. I had also used hot glue, double sided foam tape (?), staples, and masking tape to keep everything nice and secure. The garbage bag is supposed to be the nice ruffles in the front as I had shown you all before. 

The stars are connected to the skirt using a nice rose colored wire and the stars were made out of the El pollo loco take out box that we had eaten the night of. I had then used the same nail polish mentioned before to bring some nice outlined details around the star. 

And for a while, the dress just kind of stayed there... in the corner of my room...

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