Thursday, December 27, 2012


Holiday!Stuck is a Homestuck meetup that took place in Modjeska Park in Anaheim, California. It was a lovely meetup and the people there were fabulous. Though, we're all still getting used to talking outside of our comfort zone. It was on Saturday, December 15th, 2012. 

I went with Moses! We've been working on stickers and I had this little space that said "Jane's Workshop" as I gave away stickers and coloring pages again. 

Though it was SUPER cold! We decided to sit under a tree with the sunlight directed towards us...

And if we didn't get the picture, I went to the meetup as a Christmas styled Jane Crocker!

The meetup was fairly large too..

Then here we have the cookies that Moses and I shared because I was so happy that I found my friend Sara and gave her her birthday gift! She was so happy, she went as a beautiful Calliope and gave me the loveliest hug anyone could ever give you. It was just fantastic! Sadly, Cat caught my tongue and I couldn't get the courage to ask to take a picture with her!

another goofy picture of Moses...

Ah! Then I found April through all the silly what not. She went as a sweet winter Jane. Michelle came later also as a Jane. Though I felt so terrible because her wig was killing her..

Out of nowhere...came this man who was selling Cotton Candy. Though one for $3 is more than expensive and a dollar less than what they sell at Disneyland or California was well worth it because it was swell for the time. 

Then Cotton Candy pairs with lollipops! I found, who I know as Gillyhoo. She's a sweetheart that went as a cutesy Roxy Lalonde. So precious! We spent a good amount of time together and her little davesprite on her phone kept attacking her neck. It was the silliest thing! But much love.


My attempt at taking a picture of Moses again...

Then a picture of me and Oliver! Oliver went as a Gamzee. The most perfect Gamzee there is of course. 

Gifts that we got (excluding a Rufioh that I had already given to Elise). 

For more pictures, Sara had took a TON. Click here to view. Also, a shoutout to the sweetheart Roxy who also shouted at Moses and I when we were hugging for warmth in the sun. "MAMA ROXY'S OTP"

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