Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Decoden boxes! (Warm eatables)

So not too long ago, Kevin Tang had wanted to have a little decoden party during the summer and I offered up my house because I would then be given free supplies too which was super rad! I was really fond of how this box came out because it was such a lovely combination of colors and I love warm color schemes and food put on top of that just made everything so much better.

Other than the erasers that were bought from Daiso Japan to be used as cabochons, I have some resin cabochons that Kevin tang had bought over. The "whipped cream" is made out of a paper clay and elmer's glue mixture and it works very well for the most part. I had then glazed over the entire piece using triple thick (which now I regret for using on my other box...but what can you do?)

If you're interested in seeing the box before I had changed the look of the box's handle (it was originally blue if you cannot tell but I had wrapped some embroidery floss around the handle and glued it down as I went to keep it in place). Also, if you have some spare time could you please "like" my entry for a contest (that is if you like it and all)? Here's the link uvu! 

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