Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Adventures (Part 1)


Hey guys! Because my sister and I had woke up so early on Christmas eve, we decided to go get some breakfast and our usual to go spot is Cassidy's Bakery as they have magnificent bagels. If you hadn't been around in a while, check them out! For the holiday season they had spiced up their cafe with incredibly nice paints and bits here and there. Here are some shots!

It's been a while since we had last dropped by, but it was wonderful that we did. If you're interested in seeing more, just follow through the read more please!

My sister had ordered an egg bagel as joe's special (?). I had not once ever heard of that but I don't come here as often as she does...but I have to tell you that it tasted absolutely amazing. I loved it. It was wonderful and savory! Just perfect.

I had gotten a cinnamon toasted bagel with a nutella and sweet cream cheese mix overtop.

(I love my sister dearly haha!) 

Afterwards, we had dropped by Target to get some things for our family and friends as gifts. Me being me, I always just run around during the free time inbetween taking random pictures here and there.

Definitely thinking about printing some pictures here though for my scrapbook.

Afterwards, we had gone to the 99 cents store. I didn't really take any pictures there but I did stumble across their own brand of know. Just a heads up.

Right after, we had gone to Petsmart! 

We were buying a gift for Pogi because he's part of the family and because that's what Christmas is all about..but here are just some shots of me putting a horn up against my head because it was the perfect size for the horns I'd need for homestuck and for my ririchyo cosplay.

They also carried the CUTEST collars. I fell in love, I sure did.

Oh but let's not forget the Marimo moss balls! I've been thinking about getting one for myself...but I'm thinking that Reis would do much better with one. I don' tknow yet...I just don't know. I'm stuck between getting him a marimo moss ball and a succulent hanging garden for his birthday....sigh.

Inbetween our adventure, my sister and I stumbled by the Pier Imports shop and I looked through the glass and let me be the first to tell you if no one had yet...there were some intense items in that store.

But soon after we wound up at Barnes and Noble!

I especially found myself interested in the book above. Colorless by Tsukuru Tazaki. I don't remember why....but I really hope that I could get around to reading a copy of it sometime soon.

The store had actually gotten rid of their wonderful section for journals and sketchbooks and sheet music. I was incredibly surprised...but here's what was left.

But their DIY and informational (sort of) kits were as grand as always as you can see from below.

And I stumbled across this piano calculator! It reminded me of my own...and it made me especially think of the good ol' days when I still got around to spending time with my great and wonderful friend Renz.

After, we had gone to Daiso Japan and we had bought some stuff that we needed for the ~big day~

Here are just some of the few things that we had ended up with. Well, I think I'll be ending this post right about here. If you're interested in hearing more, just follow on through to the post that came after this one.

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