Monday, January 14, 2013


Remember back when I mentioned that Moses bought me an alpaca plush? (Arpakasso brand)
It came in the mail over the weekend and Moses was so sweet to wrap it up using a cutout piece from a trader joe's bag and then wrapped it up with twine. I would have taken a picture, but the thought didn't occur to me at the time... (hehe)

But! It's a really adorable little plush. 16 cm! It's not that big, but it's very cute and sweet. It's very soft, and fuzzy. For something 'made in China' it's very well made (joking!) If you don't mind paying shipping and handling along with a good $20-$40 on the plush and the extra you'll be paying because it's from a specific (rare, new, etc.) or because it's a fairly big sized plush. 

The tag on the alpaca is the cutest. Aaaah! I really love alpacas. They're the cutest. I think it's really cute as to how they edited the collection's theme onto a picture of an actual alpaca.

I'm also pretty sure you can get these at any anime conventions. Obviously for a pricey price, but if you really want one, it's worth it. 

Oh and...if you're really in want of one but you know you're going to make a trip to Japan sometime soon, there are arcades with UFO catchers filled with these little guys (and a lot more goodies)! If you're up for the challenge of catching one yourself (perhaps even one of those big guys!) and you're heading over, go for it!

Also send me a picture of you and your arpakasso! I'd love to see how great you are at ufo catchers! I really suck at them... (yelp..)

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