Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Costume!

In case anyone was confused about what the costume I was wearing/made for this Halloween looked like...? Also, this is what I had worn when I was on the livestream this Tuesday!

The skirt was originally made using a wire frame, but while combining the wire and the fabric together, I messed up a whole lot because of a lot of extra little things that you guys don't really need to know about...causing the wire frame to slide around and eventually just come off...breaking it... It's supposed to have more of a dimensional poof and the bottom ends aresupposed to look very bat wing-like but as you can see and from what you already know is that I screwed that one up pwell.

The overall costume & design took almost a week to do. Making and testing out patterns and trying to fix all the little errors and the like after the actual bits have been finished. I guess in the grand scheme of things, even if you look things up, your first time doing something will always be the worst and the hardest...but given the time limit I just kind of gave up and kept going...Better luck next time and at least now I know what NOT to do. ((sucked so bad but that's okay haha wow,,))

The cape and the skirt's fabrics are made out of linen. The skirt is supposed to keep its shape using a wire form (but I screwed that one up as I mentioned above). Extra little details is that the cape uses 3 layers of folded card stock to keep the popped up shape, the white line at the bottom was bias tape, and the bow is some really nice satin ribbon and I am madly in love with it.

Also!! Please note that I did not make the white ruffled shirt or the jacket on top. The shirt is an old thing I had laying around in my wardrobe and the jacket is a borrowed item and because of a lack/limited amount of money (I didn't pay for any of the materials used in this, in case you were going to get upset with me over expenses and all that jazz) I had to work under not only a time limit, but a budget too. Not all the details on this costume are there, but that's alright, I'll find some time in the near future to fix it up sometime soon.

All in all wow this was such a pain in the ass to do why the hell did I do it?? I'm insane that's pmuch why. Oh, try to ignore the dog and the mess of a room that I live in but all in all yes I don't have time and I hope that's obvious...And now I'll be making Reis a bat costume out of fleece so stay tuned for that 

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